Grigoryan Tatevik Nikolayi
Specialization Rheumatologist
Education Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi

Work Experience


She has been working at "Cito" medical Centre since 2019.


2018-2019 Rheumatologist at Vardanants Innovative Medical Center.


2017-2018 Rheumatologist at Medline Medical Center.


2017-2018 Rheumatologist at the Eco Sense Medical Center in Vanadzor.


2016-2018 Rheumatologist at the “Blood Cells” medical center in Artik.


2015-2016 “Ambulance” CJSC.




2015 Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, General Medicine


2015-2017 “Muratsan” hospital complex, specializing in rheumatology


Պարբերաբար մասնակցում է միջազգային կոնֆերանսների և թրեյնինգների


2017 Eighth science-based course of the European Association against Rheumatism, Italy Pisa.


The management of SLE patients in the era of COVID-19.


Explore the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with spondyloarthropathie․


Optimizing Treatment in Patients With Moderate to Severe Psoriasis


JAK Inhibitors in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis․


Longitudinally Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis․


Alternatives to Methotrexate Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis․


Inhibition of IL-6 Signaling in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis․


New Insights Into Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathophysiology․


Choosing the Right Treatment for the Right Patient։ Psoriasis Case Studies․


Fresh Perspectives on NSAIDs in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis․ Optimizing Treatment of Refractory Gout.