The General Clinical Laboratory is equipped with "Sysmex 1000i", "Urysis 1000i" equipment, performs the following examinations:
- general blood test
- coprooscopy
- general examination of urine
The clinical examination of the blood is performed by the "Sysmex1000i" analyzer, which allows not only to have the known parameters of the general blood test (hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes) in a matter of minutes, but also to provide information on the number, volume and hemoglobin concentrations of the latter. an integral part of modern diphtheria. These are: MCV, MCH, MCHC. Leukocyte variants are expressed in both absolute and percentage values. The analysis is accompanied by three diagrams showing platelet and leukocyte abnormalities. In case of such deviations, the leukoformula is examined under a microscope by an experienced specialist.
ENA examination is performed on venous blood using special vacuum pipettes with a mark of up to 200. The relatively high cost of this research is due to a number of other advantages.
- the results of the research are obtained within 30 minutes
- blood is taken from a vein by a vacuum system
- the large number of notes allows you to have an accurate picture
Immunological tests are performed with the "Cobas e 411" immunochemical analyzer of the famous "Roche" company, the list of which includes:
- Diagnosis of thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, fT4, fT3, ATG, ATPO, TG)
- diagnosis of adrenal function (Cort, ACTH)
- examination of reproductive hormones (AMH. LH, FSH, TST, SHBG, PRG, 17 OH PRG, PRL, etc.).
- determination of antibodies to infections in the blood (HBSAg, CMV, TOXOPLASMA, HSV 2 IG G, etc.)
- determination of oncomarkers in the blood (CEA, CA 125, CA 15-3, HE4, CA19-9, PSA, etc.)
- vitamins (VIT D, Vit B12, Vit B9)
- diabetes mellitus (Insulin, C-peptide)
the analyzer performs the test using the electrochemoluminescence method, which is much more sensitive than other test methods mentioned above.
The biochemical research is performed by Roche biochemical analyzer "Cobas e 311", which has the ability to examine 100 samples simultaneously.
The analyzer performs the following tests:
- Substrates (urea, creatinine, total protein, etc.)
- enzymes (AST, ALT, alpha amylase, lipase, GGT, etc.)
- Lipid metabolism (cholesterol, triglycerides, high- and low-density lipoproteins)
- Electrolytes (K, Na)
- Cardiomarkers (qualitative determination of sroponin I, CC-MB)
- Diabetes mellitus (glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, microalbumin in urine)
- Quantitative determination of rheumatic parameters (C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, ASL-O)
- Immune status (IG M, IG C, IG A)
- homocysteine, antithrombin 3 և D-Dimer.
Studies of other blood coagulation parameters are performed by the French "Stago. with the company's "Start 4" analyzer.
The parameters to be determined by the device are:
- prothrombin: prothrombin time, prothrombin index, normalized international ratio
- during partial activated thromboplastin time
- fibrinogen
- Factors II-XII.
The PCR laboratory is equipped with the Rotor-gene 6000 (RT PCR) analyzer of the German company Qiagen, the only Euroclone laminar box in Armenia, due to which contamination of the sample is excluded.
In the laboratory there are diagnosed:
- sexually transmitted infections
- Hepatitis C (qualitative, quantitative, genotype)
- Hepatitis B (qualitative, quantitative)
- human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Femocenosis (12 STIs in women)
- Androcyenosis (12 sexually transmitted infections in men)
- Determination of thrombophilia mutations
- Predisposition to folic acid metabolism disorder
In the bacteriological laboratory there are performed:
- bacteriological examination of feces
- dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis) test
- bacteriological examination of urine
- bacteriological examination of creams (nose, ear, throat, wound, etc.)
- bacteriological examination of urogenital creams and ejaculate
- ureaplasma quantitative determination of mycoplasma determination of antibiotic susceptibility
- determination of yersinia in feces, urine and blood
- determination of clostridium difficile and its toxins
The above-mentioned and a number of other researches are carried out by highly qualified specialists in accordance with international norms. The high quality and reliability of the research is ensured by the materials of the French "Biomeria" and the Italian "Liofilcem" companies.
all tests, if necessary, include antibiotic susceptibility testing.